Other research has shown similar results, however using α waves that help in meditation (Gupta et al., 2016). There has been some research to show that novice meditators do seem to benefit from binaural beats in the Ө range (Lavallee et al., 2011). So, in theory, using binaural beats that are low in frequency can help us meditate better because our brain will attempt to synchronize with the low-frequency binaural beat. Evidently, a goal of meditation is to decrease brain wave frequency. It has been shown that meditators have increased frequency amplitude of α and sometimes can achieve Ө frequencies (Banquet, 1973). β frequencies are often characterized by complex analytical thinking, whereas α is characterized as a more calm and relaxed state of mind. When we sleep, for example, we produce frequencies around Ө, which is very low in frequency. The lower the frequency, the calmer and more tranquil the mind. There are various brain wave frequencies observed in the brain. This would be very helpful in encouraging states of meditation because meditation is characterized by achieving a different frequency of brain activation. The brain seems to try and match its own frequency with the frequency of the third sound. So, what makes these binaural beats so interesting? Well, some argue that EEG readings from the brain show wave synchrony between the brain waves and the binaural frequency, which is called the frequency following response (Lavallee et al., 2011). Probably, for this reason, popular examples of binaural beats often employ masking noise, reducing the prominence of the effect. Beating at rates in excess of 10-15Hz is generally reported as rough and unpleasant (Pulkki & Karjalainen 2015). For a certain rate of beating, the sensation of roughness depends on the frequency range of the tones used. At slower rates beating may be perceived as pleasant, whereas progressively faster rates are accompanied by the onset of roughness. For this reason, binaural beating inherently relies on the use of headphones. Binaural beats use this effect by feeding the two tones to the left and right ear as separate signals. In a normal listening environment, such as a room, beating can be experienced as a monaural phenomenon, with each ear deriving the sensation from the same information. For example, a tone at a frequency of 120Hz and a tone at a frequency of 123Hz frequency played simultaneously produce beating at a rate of 3Hz (with three fluctuations per second).

What is a binaural beat? When two tones close to each other in frequency are played simultaneously we perceive a periodic fluctuation (or amplitude modulation) at a rate equal to the difference between the two frequencies.

Does such aid even exist? In this post, we will explore the science of binaural beats, and their potential benefit in aiding in the meditative process. For this reason, helping novice meditators achieve a meditative state more easily would be of great benefit. It can feel so foreign to be mindful of the present and to prevent the mind from time traveling. With this being our modern default mode of thinking, the practice of meditation can seem very daunting. Though these lessons are certainly worthwhile, they promote a lifestyle of a very active and chaotic mind. In our modern world of technology, we are taught from a young age to think critically, plan for the future, and always strive for a higher goal.